was cold and it was wet. There was a lot of rain. I wasn't entirely sure what they meant by my reserved seat was under a cover. I was pleasantly surprised it was rainproof.

They opened up the inside space and pointed a camera at the stage. There were a lot of people in the chairs to the sides and over by the bar area. Funny to watch a concert on a screen that's happening all of fifty feet away.

I love this Rogue Citizen posters that went up after the protests. I have a very nice photo of me with my bicycle near the two on the outside wall that I use for profile photos and get to know me write ups.

I don't know why they have this corner kid in the courtyard. I'm trying to figure out why Jack Daniels felt this was a good promotional item. I think it makes it look like the white guy in the courtyard is studiously looking away from the BLM posters.

There were ten? cover bands? Each did two songs and a big get together at the end, with some overlap here and there. This young lady stripped down to her spring dress once she got warmed up. I think that's Leslie Vincent.
Per Hook and Ladder: "The Hook & Ladder Theater is pleased to host the 14th Annual Big Fat Love show, celebrating what would have been the late John Prine’s 77th birthday. The popular event is curated and hosted by Ben Cook-Feltz & KFAI’s Ellen Stanley (a.k.a. Mother Banjo) and features a “Who’s Who” lineup of regional artists, including Becky Schlegel, John Magnuson, Katey Bellville, Jon Rodine, Leslie Vincent, Art Vandalay, Dan Gaarder, Cathy ‘n Abel & more!"

Here's Katey Belville singing from her FB page...I've never embedded from FB before...guess we'll see if it works. If not, here's a link to her FB post:
It was no small event. Although the guitars might have outnumbered the audience by the very end. Folks got extremely cold by 9 p.m. I stuck it out because I was enjoying it immensely. I would have had more fun with Kyle there, but I talked him out of going because he would have had to drive from 50 miles away into the cities, and the rain earlier was insanity. I thought he might end up driving for two hours one way. Ironically, Ben [who went on the MS rides with me] was there with his wife, brother, and sister in law, from literally a few miles from Kyle's place. Doh.
Saw Tim there as well, who I used to work with at Thomson Reuters when we were on the Lawschool team together.

The final "all bands" act. That's Becky Schlegel in the middle. My wife and I saw her perform at the 318 in Excelsior with Sarah Morris. I'm catching enough of the local music scene that I get overlap. That's fun. I was almost expecting to see Sarah there as she does a cover of George Strait doing a cover of John Prine doing "I Just Want to Dance With You". Someone else covered that one. They all were forced to submit options to ensure there were no duplicates. A great time.

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