6/3/2023 - Venn Brewing. Thank you - last one for a while and I'm all caught up. I'm not caught up on UK vacation photos, but now I can get back to a better pace. I love the dogs at Venn. There are always a ton of them wandering around. Arbeiter is dog friendly as well, but Venn seems to attract so many of them. This guy was insistent that I provide belly rubs. He was part of a wedding party and wearing his own tux. Super cute.

Reading Sugar about how awful sugar has been for humanity and eating a giant, monster cookie that traveled up into south Minneapolis from Eagan just like me. I think the cookie factory is at the far end of Diffley by Trail Stop Tavern, a stone's throw to the south of Thomson Reuters.

Venn is one of the closest breweries to me, but this was a long ride. I pedaled along Minnehaha Creek and did the lakes loop, all the way around Bde Maka Ska [Lake]. About 40 miles total. I was trying to get my timing right so I was at Angry Catfish cycling right around 4:00 p.m. as they were showing off a new line of bicycles and serving FREE root beer floats and beer [Voodoo, no sneaky extra local brewery this time]. I didn't buy a new 4000 dollar bicycle. But I did lust after the many bicycle packs. I've got that new road bike and I don't want to drop a rack on it, so adding a stiff pack and underbar pack might be the ticket to allow me to use it for brewery tours as I HATE carrying a book in a backpack/bike bag. I think I spent a full five hours of my afternoon on a bicycle, drinking, shopping tour. There are worse ways to spend a day.
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