I'd actually prefer to drop this into a browser add in, and maybe I will, but for the most part I'm testing whether I can hack some Python to grab an image [of mine] from Flickr and do what I usually do manually.
Well....that looks correct. But it's one image at a time - it'd be nice to throw in an array of images and have it pick them all up and generate the HTML in an output file instead of one the command line....but, one thing at a time. That DEFINITELY works better than what I was doing where I went to my photo, opened it in generic view, looked at all sizes, went to the appropriate size [usually 640x462], grabbed the url, grabbed the image src, and then cut and paste into a TEXT doc I keep on my desktop.
This has promise. If I get a better version to work, I'll detail what I did. Note that I STOLE this code from a public github user with the same need. Props to her/him for doing all the heavy lifting that involves using the API/Key to grab all the sizes and craft the HTML. I just wish it could pick the right orientation and size more easily. But....that's what reading code is for.

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