E was off to see Hausu at the Trylon tonight with some classmates. I think yesterday after Monthly Munchies [our dinner group] at Wiederholt's, they caught Rocky Horror at the college movie theater. Sounds more fun that waiting for trick or treaters who may or may not show up in the second year of Covid. [Addendum: first trick or treater - her name was Eden, she was maybe 3, and wearing a skeleton-decorated cap and was very excited I gave her an extra five pieces of candy].
Grandma E fixed up their Hausu hoody from the Trylon It fell apart in the washing machine after one use and was patched, but then it fell apart immediately around the patch. We're hoping grandma's new backing with some give to it will help, but she did refer to it as, "Made out of snot."
Speaking of Grandma E, Grandpa J came down with a case of breakthrough covid in the last week. He went in for monoclonal antibody treatment and he seems to be doing ok after a slight fever and issues with his stomach. We were supposed to head up there Sunday/Monday to help pack them up for snowbirding. That area up around mid-northern Minnesota is not the place to be out in public. Actually, most anywhere isn't lately given the total lack of masking up. Weiderholt's was pretty much mask free last night, despite being packed. The grocery store seems about 25% masked. And I saw a few folks get to the door and turn around at the Mason Jar near me when I walked to pick up leaf bags because there was a line inside unmasked. Hospital cases in MN are still close to 100/day.

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