- 1/31/2021: Dark Data: Why What You Don't Know Matters by David J. Hand
- 1/30/2021:
- Dark Data: Why What You Don't Know Matters by David J. Hand
- Doom Town: the Snake Goddess Episode II by Guthrie Taylor
- 1/29/2021:
- Dark Data: Why What You Don't Know Matters by David J. Hand
- Doom Town: The Snake Goddess Episode I by Guthrie Taylor
- 1/28/2021:
- Dark Data: Why What You Don't Know Matters by David J. Hand
- Doom Town: Episode I by Guthrie Taylor
- 1/27/2021:
- Dark Data: Why What You Don't Know Matters by David J. Hand
- Mack Lecture at the Walker: Conversation with Annie Dorsen [artist], Zachary Chase Lipton [ML], and Simon Adler [reporter]. Dorsen merges machine learning with art in projects such as Hello, Hi There and Yesterday, Tomorrow [60:00] - talked a lot about Eliza and how the bots were trained and where to find gaps in ML that are worth exploring using art.
- 1/26/2021:
- Ring Shout by P. Djeli Clark
- 3 facts about time series forecasting that surprise experienced machine learning practitioners - by Skander Hannachi, PhD
- ARIMA and seasonality...found out this ties into the AWS Forecast service.
- You need to retrain your model every time you want to generate a new prediction:
- Sometimes, you have to do away with train/test splits:
- The uncertainty of the forecast is just as important as, or even more so, than the forecast itself:
1/25/2021:- Ring Shout by P. Djeli Clark
- What does it take to create a GPT-3 product? by Ben Dickson
- This is cool: https://airtable.com/shrndwzEx01al2jHM/tblYMAiGeDLXe35jC
- Prove that you’re solving a real problem that people are struggling with
- Prove that you’re solving it at least ten times better than others in the market
- Prove that you can deliver your services at scale
- Have a roadmap for profitability, where the cost of acquiring a customer is lower than the average revenue per customer
- Have a business model that can’t be copied by competitors
- You must have a solid infrastructure that consolidates the data needed to train your AI models
- You must have the means to collect fresh quality data to continuously learn from users’ interactions with your product and fine-tune your algorithms
1/24/2021:- MN Hardcore: The Binge Episode by TPT [1:46:58]
- Half Life [45:00] - TPT / KTCA made for TV movie from 1985 about the dangers of city women and being in a hardcore/punk band downtown. Farm boys beware.
- Ring Shout by P. Djeli Clark
- 1/23/2021:
- Near and Far - Game Play 1 by Watch It Played [13:06]
- Near and Far - Game Play 2 by Watch It Played [13:39]
- Near and Far - Game Play 3 by Watch It Played [14:16]
- Near and Far - Game Play 4 by Watch It Played [18:43]
- 1/22/2021: Near and Far: Games Modes [12:32]
- 1/21/2021: Ring Shout by P. Djeli Clark - he wrote The Secret Lives of the Nine Negro Teeth of George Washington which was excellent.
1/20/2021: Near and Far: How to Play [38:36]- 1/19/2021: The Churn by James S.A. Corey [audio via Hoopa, 118:00]
- 1/18/2021: The World is Full of Monsters by Jeff Vandermeer [audio via Hoopla, 60:00]
- 1/17/2021: Why Sleep Matters, Google Talk by Matthew Walker [57:00, but watched twice, once with my team]
- 1/16/2021: Episode 1: A premeditated lie lit the fire - Axios, by Jonathan Swan and Zachary Basu
- 1/15/2021: La Jatee', roughly 30 minutes - influenced 12 Monkeys.
- 1/14/2021: At This Banana Farm, the Bunches Grow in 430 Shapes and Sizes - Atlas Obscura
- Republicans Still Don’t Get It: Even after almost dying, they are screaming about their right to blather while in the act of blathering.
- "We have come to a moment in which one half of the country is fighting to be free of crippling, life-ending acts of stochastic terror, while another half of the same country is chillingly preoccupied with their right to just talk shit. These harms are not the same."
1/13/2021: I Was Raised On the Lie of the Reluctant, Rural Insurrection by Emily Alford- 1/12/2021: Microservices [humor, 3:09]
- 1/11/2021: A Plague of Madness: Twenty-five years ago, Terry Gilliam and the other outsider : creators of ‘12 Monkeys’ gave humanity a warning about our pandemic-filled future, whether they meant to or not
- 1/10/2021:
- The state of America’s division produces little hope that ‘we can work it out’: By Mary Stanik
- Engaging With Trump’s Die-Hard Supporters Isn’t Productive: The loyalists who still cling to conspiracy theories should be deprived of the attention they seek. By Tom Nicols
- The Conservative Cult of Victimhood: Trump was a perpetrator who thought himself a victim, and American society has indulged that same illusion among Trump supporters. By David Frum
- 1/9/2021: How To Do Anomaly Detection in Tableau
- "Unfortunately, just because something may pique interest, it is not always relevant to the conversation."
- I think this focuses more on the specific data points and doesn't account for trend.
1/8/2021: Outlier Detection and Treatment: A Beginner's Guide by Swetha Lakshmanan on Medium.com- Impacts mean, variance, and correlation.
- Identify: Extreme value analysis, z-score method, k means clustering, visualize.
- Pre-process: Mean/median or random imputation, trimming, top/bottom/zero coding, discretization [intervals or binning].
- "There is no rigid mathematical definition of what constitutes an outlier"
- +/- 3x STDev >> there are "levels" of outliers [upper limit and extreme upper limit]
- Z-score uses +/-3. Has a specific formula.
- Kmeans for groups of data?
- 1/7/2021: What is Anomaly Detection? Examining the Essentials by Ira Cohen at Anodot
- Generally a hybrid of structured and unstructured data.
- Global, contextual, and collective outliers.
- 1/6/2021: Shorefall: A Novel [The Founders Trilogy] by Robert Jackson Bennett
- 1/5/2021: Shorefall: A Novel [The Founders Trilogy] by Robert Jackson Bennett
- 1/4/2021: Shorefall: A Novel [The Founders Trilogy] by Robert Jackson B
ennett - 1/3/2021: Shorefall: A Novel [The Founders Trilogy] by Robert Jackson Bennett
- 1/2/2021: Shorefall: A Novel [The Founders Trilogy] by Robert Jackson Bennett
- 1/1/2021: Shorefall: A Novel [The Founders Trilogy] by Robert Jackson Bennett
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