My new neighbor trades beer with me. Between him and Kyle and myself, I may never have to drink the same beer more than twice unless I really want to. I've taken to buying warm beer and storing it under the steps and I'm developing quite the esoteric collection.
This was one of the incoming trades. I had it while playing D&D on Sunday. I'm generally against fruity beer, but this had a seriously light taste (and light alcohol at 4.4%). The lower alcohol level was a bonus because anything above 6% tends to make me a bit fuzzy for playing my character.
Speaking of Warbear the Invincible, Warlock, here's his character sheet. E, Kyle, Chris, his son, and I have been playing for about two months on most weekends with a few skips. Last time I played consistently was in the Richfield house maybe 25 years ago. We're having a good time, although I have a theme. Fire my biggest spell, Scorching Ray. Take a hit, and "blow up" with Hellish Rebuke. Either go down, or get in an Eldritch Blast and then go down. It's not 100%, but I think it's at least a 60% go to strategy. Mostly I'm waiting for my patron (a fiend, in this case Demogorgon) to decide he's going to chew on my brain and spit it back into my skull. I hear that's how he makes friends.

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