Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Exercises for Programmers: 57 Challenges to Develop Your Coding Skills - Chapter 2, Mad Lib (4)

Simple one - do a madlib in this style and try it with string interpolation/substitution. Part II will be harder - it branches...I wonder if I'll have to use a picker to limit choices....I'll have to ponder that one. This one needs some sort of NLP to clean up the verb.

noun = input("Please provide a noun: ")
verb = input("Please provide a verb: ")
adverb = input("Please provide an adverb: ")
adjective = input("Please provide an adjective: ")

print("Do you " + verb + " your " + adjective + " " + noun + " " +  adverb + " That's funny!")

print(f'With literal string interpolation: Do you {verb} your {adjective} {noun} {adverb}.  That\'s funny!')
print('With interpolation: Do you %s your %s %s %s}.  That\'s funny!'%(verb,adjective,noun,adverb))

================ RESTART: C:/Users/u0024159/Desktop/MadLib.py ================
Please provide a noun: banana
Please provide a verb: ate
Please provide an adverb: quickly
Please provide an adjective: yellow
Do you ate your yellow banana quickly That's funny!
With literal string interpolation: Do you ate your yellow banana quickly.  That's funny!
With interpolation: Do you ate your yellow banana quickly}.  That's funny!

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