Where to start...where to start...we're going to start with Theatre in the Round because there's only one photo, and then we'll do a separate post for Part II and/or III so this post isn't 20 pages long.
I've missed talking about two plays at Theatre in the Round. Back at the end of 2014 (December 5) we went to Agatha Christie's Witness for the Prosecution. I can remember it well because I can sum it up as paying to go see a mock trial with a twist at the end. Almost the entire, long, play was about the trial and at the very end you learn there's a twist. Almost a deus ex machina, without the machine and without the god/s, to tidy the whole thing up. There's probably a term for that, but it escapes me at the moment. Don't get me wrong. I like mock trials. I volunteer at mock trials. Dixon v. Providential Life Insurance is one of the most popular posts on Nodtonothing.com. But I like them when I'm involved. Not as a spectator.

We also went to the Drawer Boy this year. What really stood out in the Drawer Boy was that one of the three main characters, the farmer, was Hermann Goering in 2. A play my wife and I both remember well because he did such a great job. Amusingly, it's not on my blog not because I was slacking, but because it predates Eryn and ran January 5-28, 2001. I thought it might have been the play where Pooteewheet was 9 months pregnant and ready to explode, but the timing isn't right. That had to have been a different one. She was very confused about The Drawer Boy before we went. She was certain it had to be about a boy who lived in a drawer, as in part of a cabinet. I said it was about a boy who drew. She was pretty sure that was nonsense. I didn't tell her I knew better and that despite not having seen the play before, I knew a little about it. I have to say it was one of my favorite plays at TiTR so far. A lot of progressive revelation between the characters about their involvement in the war and how they survived after the war and the nature of survivor's guilt both on and off the battlefield. All helped along by a young somewhat-naive hippie playwright who serves as the foil for the best humor and driving the revelations.
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