As we were at Islands of Adventure only two years ago, most of my photos are less happy family vacation photos and more how-do-I-amuse-myself photos. Here's an exception. The spires of the Harry Potter area. The Hogwart's ride still made me somewhat ill, but overall I fared much better on the roller coasters than last time. Which was good, because the lines weren't particularly longer. A minute or two extra wait, but it was a quick trip to anywhere but the front of the dragon coasters. And whatever old guy inner ear issue most of us develop at this stage of our lives that I was partially getting last time is gone. A consistent application of roller coasters seems to be a viable cure, at least in my case.
My wife is in this photo. I'm not sure it's possible to get a good photo on the bridge given the number of tourists that like to pose there. I always want to just get off the bridge right away. I'm not afraid it will fail under the weight. I just don't like that crush of people. Maybe it triggers my anti-zombie situation reflexes. You don't want to be stuck in a group that large if one person goes undead.
We didn't make Eryn ride the Seuss Carousel (Seussousel?) this time because she's so cranky about being made to ride it last time. But on the way out I did pose with one of the locals.
A second picture where I'm riding sidecar instead of behind him. I can't keep him dry in the sidecar.
I'll confess, I'm not really spitting water. It just looks like it.
At the Jurassic Park area. The bronto is trying to eat what little hair I have left. He's a hairosaurus, as opposed to a meatosaurus or a plantosaurus. Eryn liked reliving her memories from last time at the dinosaur center. There are times it's very obvious she wants to feel like she did during a particular event in her life, and checking out the eggs at the dinosaur center is a good example. She was also keen to relieve the squirting of riders at the cartoon/water area that was next, but due to rain, many of the rides were closed down or not being ridden, and when we were on Popeye's boat, they shooed us off. It looked suspiciously like a search for a reported package. Lots of security.
I find the dichotomy of Spidey being Mommy's Angel amusing. He's really more of an Aunty's Angel.
And this one is just labeled wrong. That's not Jesus!
Just a nice picture. No humor to be seen here. Move along.
Also not humorous, but my panorama function captured a great picture of Hogwart's and Hagrid's roller coaster. I wish someone had been going overhead on the tracks as I'd rotated that direction.
[Panoramic view]
Mommy's Angel riding his motorcycle. This isn't exciting unless you're really into superheroes, but it reminds me of the Hulk roller coaster and Doctor Doom's drop nearby that Eryn and I rode while my wife hid from all the rain in the shops. Doctor Doom's drop was pretty wild. I think the Valleyfair Tower of Power has more variety, but Doom's Tower certainly threw you way up there. A big smile on Eryn as we shot to the top of the park.
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