
Thursday, November 22, 2012


A very happy Thanksgiving to you all, even those of you who have already put up your Christmas Trees, although I openly despise you.  Thanksgiving is a more interesting holiday than Christmas, so embrace it and stop trying to bypass it.  Do you put up Easter decorations a month and change early?  Because Christian-wise, that's a more important holiday.

We had two turkeys, but only ate about 3/4 of a turkey, so there were lots of leftovers.  All told, I estimate we ate about 25% of the food that entered the house.  I won $8 at family poker.  Lost $2 when I backed Eryn.  And $2 was mine originally.  So a $4 net.  It all goes to charity anyway as I always donate my earnings even though I own the donation jar this year because I traded it for donating to the Trylon's sign and the Alzheimers Association on Give to the Max Day.  It's hard not to pick a charity on that day as it's generally matched 100% by a backer (US Bank and the City of Minneapolis in this case - thanks taxpayers) and then 50% matched again (original amount, not the matched total) by my workplace.  I'm sure my local foodshelf doesn't agree as they usually get my container full of change, but I upped their monthly allotment through my work donation program this year, so they'll have to cope.

What am I thankful for this year?  Just being f-ing alive.  Not too many years you can say that and mean more than lip service.  It's good to see all my family and friends and know how close I was to last Thanksgiving being the last.

That's too serious.  So I'll end on something more amusing.  My picture of Matthew for Facebook today.  Doesn't he look delicious?  I think I'm getting better at Gimp.

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