
Saturday, September 15, 2012

Presents for Friends (real friends, not the bike this time)

I'm hoping Mean Mr. Mustard doesn't get all excited and think this is what I got him for his birthday when he notices the picture.  I have his birthday present, and he knows it, because I Facebooked the two-stage acquisition, but this isn't it.

My friend Steve from work, who I've worked with since I was contractor there almost 13 years ago, "picked up" cancer (the kind where they think it's more likely you'll be dead soon than alive) about the same time I was in the hospital.  Following his progress was one of the very first things I did as soon as I could pick up a smartphone with an internet connection, and I'd been thinking about getting him these posters as he's a huge Serenity/Firefly fan.  Unlike flowers or food, they imply you expect someone to live a very long time so they can enjoy them.

The hospital stay and confinement to the basement sort of derailed my intent, as I wanted to make sure they had frames and hangers.  Giving people gifts they have to work on to use is bull****.  And Goodwill, the source of odd frames that don't cost $80 a piece, didn't have much in the 1'x2' category. But my father in law ordered frames constructed for me, and my wife got the hardware installed, so I finally got to take them in last week.  Steve was very excited to find them in his cube.  And I know they're a good gift, because I'm a little jealous he has them and I don't.

Steve's numbers are looking good, and I just saw a Caring Bridge post that says they're even better this week.  He's going to make it and he will get to enjoy looking at Kaylee, Zoe, River, and Inara for a long time.  No Saffron though - these are only the "good" girls.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:18 AM

    These really do look amazing. -PTW
