
Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Best Art-Related Podcasts In the Twin Cities

I saw this article about local arts podcasts on WCCO this morning while debating, "should I go to work early so I can  have coffee with Mean Mr. Mustard? Or should I just use my new french press, save $1.81 (not being overly fond of the free coffee at work, which means resorting to Caribou, which is a habit I'm trying to break in favor of paying off my house in 15 years, not 30, and saving just over $100,000.  That's right - not drinking Caribou may save me $100,000 over the next 15 years before I even get to the cost of the coffee), and read the local news."  Mean Mr. Mustard is never available anyway, so he's now second fiddle to a french roast decanter and CBS local news. He's probably not surprised.

My father-in-law (I don't have a blog nickname for him yet - I'll give it some thought and try to determine what won't get me the evil eye next time I see him, which will be in three days for BOMB) might find these interesting if he's looking for something to play while he's at the studio.  Their top five were (follow the article for the links):

  • Talk of the Stacks (Hennepin County Public library)
  • Collections Up Close (MN Historical Society)
  • Soapcast (Soap Factory)
  • Art on Call
  • You Are Hear
  • Building Minnesota (sort of Lost Twin Cities, but without the Lost?)
  • Anything by the Guthrie or MIA

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