
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Caching Overlook

We went caching for two virtual caches not so long ago.  According to, no new virtual caches are allowed, but old virtual caches are still grandfathered in.  These were sort of in our backyard (St. Paul), so I thought they were worth checking out.

Here's Eryn, at the footstep of the first cache.

Yes, that is Pooh at her feet.  Sort of Banksy in nature.

Not the virtual cache.  But I couldn't help but thing the gay versions of Arsenic and Old Lace lived here.

What we were really after was the Prospect Park water Tower.  If you've read Emma Bull's War for the Oaks, you can appreciate the witch's tower for the parallel fairy domain it really is.  The plaque reads, minus the screaming type: "The Witch's Hat Water Tower was designed by Norwegian architect Frederick William Cappelen and constructed by the city of Minneapolis in 1913.  Occupying the highest natural land area in Minneapoplis, the water tower was built to improve water pressure in the homes of Prospect Park residents.  The tower was decommissioned in 1952, but has been preserved as a significant part of this city's history.  The Witch's Hat Water Tower and Tower Hill Park are listed in the national register of historical places."

Can you see an evil fairy lurking up there?  Black gauzy 80's clothes, circa Prince and the Revolution?  Sexy evil...

The view from one direction at the top of the hill.  That is our fair city of Minneapolis in the distance.  Closer is Moos Tower, home of many sexy nurses.  And my sister and mother.  And I'm not sure what the building in the foreground is.

Looking in the other direction.  Absolutely beautiful.

Our second virtual cache was part of a trip around the world.  It is the 45th parallel.  It exists in many places in the twin cities, but is only commemorated in one location.

1 comment:

  1. Pooh looks a bit like some of the background art one finds in the Fallout 3 universe.
