
Monday, September 26, 2011

Lounging in the Library (NSFW)

I'm not sure if this will make it below the line. I suspect it won't. So if you must, avert your eyes quickly and shrink your browser as necessary. While there is no actual nudity...that's actually a lie - she's obviously naked, she's just not showing her naughtiest bits...there's a lot more nakedness implied than you're actually seeing. I noticed in the paper the other day that Sweetpea was bringing "Naked Girls Reading" to Minneapolis, starting with "A Tale of Two Cities." I had an urge to go, but wasn't sure what it entailed. After a bit of poking around, it was obvious that this endevour, which started with Michelle L'amour, is a case of truth in advertising. There are girls. They are naked. They read. Lots of reading. Lots of nakedness. I'm all for reading. I'm all for nakedness. I'm not sure how I feel about sitting in an audience while the two are combined. What surprised me most while reading about the origins of Naked Girls Reading wasn't that it happens - I'm willing to believe people will do anything naked. It's that Ms. L'amour decided to pose with my company's books strewn all around. Considering my old team once removed a woman from a web header because she was showing a little too much cleavage, this takes it to a new extreme. Perhaps we should have had this available to put our header in perspective.

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