I got the drivers and code installed today, only to discover I couldn't plug the thing in. I put a question out to the guy who presented at Code Camp yesterday (I missed it - I was at another presentation), but haven't heard back yet.
- Silverlight + Kinect (what I'm running on my machine - it runs, and then tells me it can't find the Kinect).
- Mike Hodnick's Github website for .NET and Kinect - (Mike Hodnick Twin Cities Code Camp bio)
- Hilarious adapter article for Kinect with the punchline, "Or, you could just use the adapter that comes with the Kinect unit itself."
You need the special usb power cord that comes with the Kinect when you buy it separately from the XBox. Apparently, some of the Kinects that are bundled with the XBox don't have this cord. Buy the Kinect separately, and you're almost sure to get the right cord (be careful of this, especially on Ebay)...