
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Delicious Grilled Garlic and Herb Shrimp

I made this Grilled Garlic and Herb Shrimp recipe tonight from (they have a decent iPad app, although this particular recipe doesn't list ingredients in the app, which is strange). Rather than following the recipe exactly, I used one pound of cooked shrimp (good shrimp, from Kowalski's, although on sale) and the same mixture of ingredients, and let it sit in a plastic bag to marinate overnight. Then I put it in a pan, including the extra sauce, and let it simmer with a cover until ready and dropped it on top of some thin noodles and served it with a side of curried, baked cauliflower, and lettuce (salad).  Absolutely delicious.  Probably the best thing I've made so far since I've started focusing on fish and shellfish.  I strongly recommend it if you like shrimp.  Eryn ate half of my wife's serving, and she's notoriously picky.

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