Saturday, September 04, 2010

Minnesota State Fair 2010

Ah, Minnesota State Fair time. Unlike most other years, this year we didn't go with Kyle, so there are no pictures of him swallowing a foot long corn dog. We didn't hit most of the animal areas, so no Minnesota's Largest Hog. We didn't even spend a day off there, but went from about 3:00 p.m. onward, on a day that can only be described as "chilly". Very different from years past in some respects.

Let's get something out of the way. This, hands down, is my favorite picture I took during the fair. There is NOTHING you can take a picture of at the Fair that hasn't already been taken, except for the people. This is a people picture. This is what you really watch for when you're sitting on that bench drinking your Summit Octoberfest, or meandering about with your cup of hot fries hoping someone is square dancing in the GOP booth.

Dude. Who are you trying to impress?

One of the manly men at the Eurobobbles area was reading this during his coffee breaks (and they do get coffee breaks). I think it's a result of playing with wet balls all day.

Eryn waiting for the Eurobobbles after Grandma Ellen handed off her 45 minute wait in line. I think this was during the coffee break. It's fun to see boredom on her face.

Pooteewheet and I have a very short patience for any line over 5 minutes long, and Eryn knows it. But grandma was willing to hold the line (ticket and ride) while we went to check out the horses (did you know the miniature horses are particularly Christian?). Well worth it, as far as Eryn was concerned. I think she'd have waited two hours if that was what it took. She told Pooteewheet today that she wanted her own Eurobobble. Apparently you can order them from China, although with shipping that's about $400-$450.

I don't know. This strikes me as something some weird fetishist might spend hours watching.

This is how you get in Eurobobble.

I'm surprised you can stand up even this much in a deflated ball.

She's not having fun.

Ok. Given the circumference of the ball, and my weight distribution, and the density of water, if I lean 2 root 2 while throwing something of approximately 3 kilograms in a 30 degree counter direction, I should be able to stand and run....

End of the balls. Time to find some shoes.

The slide has always been one of her favorites. Angie from work punched me near here. I saw five coworkers and a former coworker at the fair. One of our admins almost pushed a stroller into me while I was drinking my Summit.

Here she comes...

Here I come!

Eryn told me shortly before this that I was the best dad ever. Not sure why...I think she was giddy from the Euroball/bobble experience.

Kids fairground area. We always make her buy her own second set of tickets, but this year LissyJo contributed half a sheet, and Grandma Ellen bought a sheet, so she was in ride heaven.

Tea cup. She once wrote a story about someone taking a header off of one of these as they got off. She seems to have gotten over that fear.

I don't think we've been to a fair where she doesn't make a friend on the rides. Clearly she's embraced her Woo strength.

At the kids farming area prior to my arrival, with Grandma Ellen.

We do this picture every year. It's like our pencil marks on the wall. But in the furtherest corner of the Minnesota State Fair, so it costs $27 and a bunch of exercise. Pooteewheet will no doubt post the composite from all the years so far.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the pictures. The round ball remindes me of the hamsters and the balls you had when you were a kid. Dad

llawrat said...

They are going to have to add height to this sign in the next couple of years