Ming, Kyle and I did 36 miles (and change) down at the Cannon Valley Trail between Cannon Falls and Red Wing yesterday. I'm sure the big breakfast at Little Oscar's and the 1/2 pound cheeseburgers at The House of Coates offset any exercise benefit, but we had a great time and found two caches to boot, despite Ming looking on the wrong side of the trail because his GPS was about 60' off.

We scored big time because we were out before the official season started. The signs and website clearly said $3.00 between April 1 and November 1, so we took them at their word.

We found a little bear while geocaching. I took it and Ming is paranoid I'm going to give it to Logan, who has a habit of collecting hobbies. But I left it on the car seat for Eryn this morning, and she was very excited. She took it to school and in a fit of irony named it Snowflake. It's interesting that it has an ironic name, because we had a rather lengthy discussion about the irony of Alanis Morrisette's Isn't It Ironic while riding.

Self portrait taken at Welch. There was no nice lady with cookies there this time. Serious bummer.

Picture of me taken by Ming, with the soon to be Snowflake the devil bear. This isn't the shirt I started the day wearing. Kyle showed up at my house wearing the exact same St. Paul Classic shirt I was wearing. I went inside and changed shirts so we didn't look like a couple.

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