This was the closest geocache to our house. See it? It's tricky. I almost gave up on this one as I looked and looked in this very spot and didn't notice it at first.
Ah...that bolt doesn't belong there.
Some perspective on the size of this nano. Love Eryn's shirt. Not sure why she has the serious face. She was having a great time.
Klund has been here. He forgot his pants while geocaching.
For CookieQueen and LissyJo. I suspect they know where to find this location.
Not sure if you can see the cache in this picture, but if you go to the big version, maybe you can spot it.
Out in the woods looking for the Girl's cache and Jackpot cache. We came away with a Pokemon card Eryn didn't own, and a few gems. We left behind zombies. After all, if you leave a girl zombie and her boyfriend, it's like mystery date, which is very much a girls' cache type item(s).
Me, sporting my geocaching gear.
Here's the tooth fairy geobug we put in Eryn's cache (and exchanged for a button from the Rainbow Coalition that says "Hug me, I'm a homo." Her goal is to hit all 50 states and the U.S. protectorates, visiting children and collecting teeth to bring back to Minnesota for cold storage.
A close up of the MN Geofairy.
Our last cache of the day. Heine. I'm backwards. Get it? It's HILARIOUS! Eryn rolled her eyes a lot, but took the picture anyway.
I was wondering where those pants went. Can you please put them in a cache further south?
No, no, no, the button you brought me says "rock my rainbow - hug a homo."
I like the heine photo.
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