
Tuesday, May 05, 2009


I never mentioned I went to Ignite. Or to the MHTA Conference (I may have started that post and bailed). Both were great. MHTA was more general this year than in previous years - I sat through Agile in your projects instead of self-measuring valves - and had a lot of good content. Ignite was much like Minnedemo, but more focused on social networking and a bit of humor. Topics like Comic Sans as a font. Using Twitter to socialize at a party. Risk (and blowing off your thumb as an indicator of your willingness to take risk) - which I saw at both events. Etc. The audience was VERY different than most tech events I attend. Seriously. I've never been to an event before where a 40-year old cougar was hitting on Erik the Swede. That was unique.

And Ignite was the first event I've been to where Twitter dominated the scene. People used Twitter to post ideas, and other people would find them by matching their profile picture to their face in the audience. People would put their Twitter IDs on their nametags so if you met someone you liked you could follow them. There was a dedicated screen for Twitter commentary using the Ignitempls hash tag. During presentations, keen eyed prsenters would comment on derrogatory comments about their presentation as they appeared in the stream. Definitely different. Definitely made me feel old in some respects (despite being a Twitter user).

Here's an example from Ignite Comic Sans as a Font:

You can find many of the others (Yammer, Peer to Peer Financing, etc) at this search on YouTube.

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