Sunday, February 22, 2009

Cheeseburger in Paradise

Tall Brad asks the question on his blog, "How did you spend your President's Day?" I spent part of mine with him and his family, wandering around the overly crowded Minnesota Zoo after an early breakfast at the St. Clair Broiler (which included Ming and Mean Mr. Mustard).

Here are some things I got to see at the zoo that Tall Brad didn't get to appreciate.

Koreans have big nuts and if they want to keep them, they should stay away from bears and boars.

Tiger friendly products are coming soon. Like this gun. Which you can use to hunt furries dressed as tigers, or the cast of The Lion King. Because furries embarrass real tigers.

Brad was even in the vicinity when I took this movie. This is a guy playing Cheeseburger in Paradise on the steel drums. His audience? About 80 children in a giant sandbox. The economy is tough, and you should take the gigs you can get, but I bet this wasn't his original career aspiration.

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