
Saturday, September 20, 2008

CERN Magnet Meltdown

It looks like the people from the future managed to get back here and sabotage the CERN collider before it could create that mini black hole that consumes us five years down the road.

"The world's largest atom smasher which was launched with great fanfare earlier this month has been damaged worse than previously thought and will be out of commission for at least two months, its operators said Saturday." (via Yahoo/AP)

They were very clever to implement the sabotage 36 hours later, rather than right when the collider started up. But then, they know the precise point at which the Earth-eating singularity will be formed, so perhaps they had some leeway. They probably don't get as much adulation as saviors of the planet in the future if they don't stop the problem at the last possible second. Look at the explanation of what went wrong. It certainly sounds like a line from a bad sci fi movie, or that Spock might mutter during one of the Enterprise's forays to the past. Mark my words, we'll be seeing Terminators in the street next.

"It's too early to say precisely what happened, but it seems to be a faulty electrical connection between two magnets that stopped superconducting, melted and led to a mechanical failure and let the helium out"


  1. Anonymous10:00 PM

    This is what happens when mankind tries to prove god's existence (or non-existence).


  2. Anonymous4:16 PM

    no this is science...

  3. Anonymous4:16 PM

    no this is science...
