
Wednesday, July 09, 2008


As part of the fun committee for my department at work, part of my job today was to boot two hot nannies and their associated children and a troupe of pink-haired, filming cosplayers out of our reserved picnic area at Blackhawk Park. I think this is just part of what it means to get older - the twenty year olds on the fun committee know they need to be mean to the nannies, they just don't want to. It's easier to let the crabby old guy do his job.

A quote for my sister from Finishing the Game: The Search for a New Bruce Lee. "If I get hit in the head with a bottle, it was the white kids. If it was a rock, it was the black kids. It all hurts just the same."

How come my wife has never left me a message at work thanking me for getting it on and commenting on how I put in "double overtime"? And why does Vivaxa have some sort of assumption that if you can get it up and keep it up, women will want it all the time, and for as long as it's pointing at God, and will actually say complementary things that sound incredibly insincere and overdone? And why should that appeal to me? Do they know they're rehashing a theme as old as Boccaccio's Decameron, that women become insatiable given enough access to sex? I wonder if they have another series of commercials that plays off the Decameron's theme that if you're a guy and you're on the bottom, you're going to turn into a girl.


  1. You watching the Tour? Did you see there's an american team called Garmen-Chipotle? Ceri pointed out that that's like your dream team.

    Never had bottles or rocks thrown at me, but words hurt just the same.

    What do you have against nannies? You angry angry old man.

  2. I saw the Garmin Chipotle team advertisements at Chipotle. That truly is an excellent team, though not as cool as the Summit RAGBRAI group.

    The nannies had to get their tight young butts out of our space - we had partying to do.
