Sunday, May 25, 2008


Eryn just came flying past the open doorway to the computer room with her hands on her crotch, doing a little dance that looked almost exactly like Charlie Chaplin with his hat and cane going around a corner. Apparently she needs the bathroom.

Here's your dose of "maybe I should have gone to someone else's blog first today". Me, on the jigglebeam, at one of the local parks. That's my come hither look.

This is the jigglebeam in action. Obviously, Eryn is enjoying herself.


Aaron said...

Nice pole.

She says said...

Ditto Aaron. That's exactly what I was thinking, especially looking at that first picture.

Scooter said...

I should have spliced it in next to a picture of Pooteewheet sitting on a cannon on the way to New Orleans.