Tuesday, May 06, 2008


There's nothing quite like discovering that your wife is, in some respects, still a web illiterate. I guess it's just that goatse doesn't come up in general connubial conversation...at least not at my house, thank you. So as a public service announcement to all my kith and kin who might find themselves ashamed at their lack of web knowledge when confronted with a knowledgeable geek, I offer this very overdue pair of links from Wikipedia and Snopes to a description of goatse. Those are generally safe for work, although I make no guarantees about your safety should you start clicking associated links. Not only is the general tenor not safe for work, it's not safe for your mental health if you find yourself confronted with a picture of the real goatse.

And speaking of life and art sort of syncing up, this last weekend Pooteewheet and I went to see Ironman. Very enjoyable. Very funny. Just a very good superhero movie. Far better than that Daredevil crap that made as much at the box office over its lifespan as Ironman did in one weekend. However, there are several portions of Ironman where they're showing off deadly weapons systems, and every time they did, the only thing I could think about was the Minnesota High Tech Association Innovation Conference where an exec from Boeing explained Boeing innovation by giving us a slide show with faux Top Gun music and dozens of shiny pictures of missiles, bombs, and airplanes, many of the last category unmanned military drones, or renderings of future planes dropping bombs on some unvisualized target, like a bunny farm. Military plane porn. It made the Tony Stark at the beginning of Ironman seem much more lifelike.

1 comment:

PrincessMax said...

Even the description is gross. Not the plane porn. The other kind.