Friday, April 04, 2008


CookieQueen, I don't think it's enough to dress up in a bacon bra (direct) for Dan'l, if you really want to make an impression, serve him pork chop pizza (G4) while wearing a bacon bra. If it doesn't immediately kill him, he'll be yours forever.


Anonymous said...

You are going to get me fired one of these days! The link to the pork chop pizza brought up an ominous-looking page from my employer saying the naughty page I was trying to access is BLOCKED.

Anonymous said...

Cookiequeen - they blocked your access to "What's Cookin' With Jazze: Pork Chop Pizza?" They were literally just making a giant pizza with pork chops on it.

Perhaps your employer tagged it as offensive because it advocates an unhealthy lifestyle, i.e., the consumption of large amounts of trans fat and eating habits which might lead to obesity? Then again, maybe they just have a grudge against Emanuel Lewis now that he's grown out of his cute little Webster character....