Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Dirty Little Secret

Pooteewheet broke a blog silence of four months to out me for laughing at Blades of Glory. This sort of public outing never embarrasses me because there is always something worse that I can own up to (except maybe that time she told Nidhi about how I had a thing for exotic women in front of a campfire surrounded by coworkers. That's sort of difficult to explain to your exotic cube neighbor). So, in the spirit of making sure no one can claim they've explored my limits, tonight I set down the latest Palahniuk novel so I could instead enjoy the most recent episode of Rock of Love 2. It could be argued Palahniuk is the more fucked up option of those two choices, but you can be sure I have a closeted third choice that hasn't been revealed.


boringsahm said...

hmmm, your sister seemed a little worried about you watching that movie too. Why? do you have dreams of being a male iceskater or wanting to wear fluro coloured Lycra?

Anonymous said...

Ah, your post about Blades of Glory already provides insight into your closeted third choice. See the quote from said movie below, and all is revealed:

"He likes food and dreams and whispers... his favorite movie is Short Circuit... and Fried Green Tomatoes."

So very true....

Scooter said...

I prefer this quote, although it in no way represents any musical preferences, "We're gonna dance to one song, and one song only: "Lady Humps" by the Blackeyed Peas."

So, after that I should close with a good quote, "All I've ever cared about was video games and they made me a millionaire. So maybe I don't know what the Civil War was, or who invented the helicopter even though I own one, but I did beat The Legend of Zelda before I could walk. I'm thinking about getting metal legs. It's a risky operation, but it'll be worth it. "

Anonymous said...

Grandma's Boy! Nice!