We went geocaching today. 1.4 miles round trip. A little singing on the way there. Much singing on the way back to encourage walking, to the amusement of a family of kids, a gardener and two people walking their dog, who all heard renditions of The Ants Go Walking, The Girl That I Marry, and What Shall We Do With a Drunken Sailor. Here's some nature on the way to the cache. A big puffball. As you can see, some kids beat us to it and poked sticks in it. I gave it a tap to encourage dissemination of the puffball spores.
These are spoilers for the cache we found - so don't look if you've ended up here from geocaching.com. This particular cache was in an area of serene beauty, a natural environment unsurpassed in the quiet stillness of a setting sun. Yep...that's a bus stop bench in a parking lot conveniently empty on a Thanksgiving weekend.
Here Eryn models the whole geocaching process, from GPS unit to small tin container to waterproof plastic bag to pencil and paper for signing our nom de plumes. Walking sticks are not mandatory, and even to be discouraged if you have to constantly stress "don't poke your eye out." Which she didn't do, but she did manage to scratch her forehead with the stick.
That's so cool, but it seems I may need to re-read my Harry Potter books to uncover the hiding place of the Green Little Car!
Looks like a great day!
This may be of interest to you - Geocaching Online has a regularly updated blog and hundreds of links to how-to's, information and more.
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