This link from Information Aesthetics using people in an auditorium to imitate video games is pretty cool: Pole Position, Space Invaders and Pong.
Out of the Jungle had a piece on Library 2.0 today. The Squidoo page on Library 2.0 is very nice. Much better than many other Squidoo pages (many of which suck). Librarians certainly know how to design their information in some cases. Not a lot about services. Library 2.0 is about feedback loops, libraries without walls, and the intersection of Library 1.0 (0.0) and 2.0. They seem to have a better grasp of 2.0 than some technology evangelists. I think I need to work on Beer 2.0. I'm not sure how I could create a bar that functions best on feedback loops and beer anywhere...but it would be a valiant use of my time.
I'm going to add Brit Blog to the blog roll. Should have done it weeks ago, but I'm always a slacker when it comes to updating my template. I appreciate his 2.0 and REST links. No one at work talks to me about Web 2.0 or tech lately (except Erik, the Hairy Swede), so I'm forced to listen over my wall while the company lawyer discusses ajax implementation GPL licenses with the local developers. I remember fondly the days when he filed my patent applications. I guess Mean Mr. Mustard talks about ajax as well, but he's from the other side of the skyway and is only using ajax for gambling purposes, so it doesn't count. Hmm....Brit Blog and beer 2.0. That reminds me, I bought one of the company architects a six pack of beer while I was in Chicago. The six pack, Longshot, contained three kinds of beer, two bottles each, each brewed to a recipe that won at the American Homebrew Association competition. Did he like the Old Ale? Yes. Did he like the Dortmunder? Yes. But what was his favorite? Boysenberry Wheat. I still have one of my two in the fridge. I told him next time I'd just buy him wine coolers.
Oh yeah. MinneBar, April 21.
Twin Cities Code Camp, April 28. (personally, I think this one looks more interesting)
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