Pooteewheet sent me an email yesterday that said, "You Suck is here." I pondered it, wondering if she was talking about a relative, a renter or a neighbor. So I called her and asked, "Who is You Suck?" She called me something just short of an idiot and reminded me that I had ordered a book from Amazon: Christopher Moore's You Suck.
In my defense, I know at least one developer whose name sounds a little like You Suck.
Speaking of coworkers, one of them sent an email to a chain I was on today that said, "I resent them including the corrected copyright element." I was confused until I read it again. I guess that's why there are effective emailing classes.
And a manager sent me this link from one of her developers: Is Your App an Ass-Kisser? Not the funniest bit of code humor I've ever read, but an amusing idea, comparing code to stereotypical employee types. But where are the women? Not all code is male!
Sheesh. I hope i'm not the relative called 'you suck.'