Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Time to Get out the String and the Doorknob

See this? Click to zoom in if you must. Hopefully she doesn't have pizza in her teeth. Notice how the circled tooth hangs down a little lower than the other ones? Maybe like something is pushing it out. Like another tooth? Oh yeah...wobbly wobbly wobbly. She's playing with it because it's funny it's loose. 3.5 years old and she's losing her first tooth. To all my friends with their kids who just about Eryn's age...it's time to feel just a little bit older.


Anonymous said...

A little early! how about a dentist. A concerned AZ grandparent

Anonymous said...

It may just be a consequence of her rapid rate of growth that she has new teeth coming in, but it still does seem pretty early. Most online info seems to indicate kids should start to lose them at about 5-6 (girls sooner than boys), maybe 4 years old on the early side, with front teeth falling out first.

It might be worth having her checked to make sure nothing funky is going on... an x-ray to see what's going on in there would be pretty informative :)

A concerned friend/former-schoolmate of parent/blogger.

Anonymous said...

It may just be a consequence of her rapid rate of growth that she has new teeth coming in, but it still does seem pretty early. Most online info seems to indicate kids should start to lose them at about 5-6 (girls sooner than boys), maybe 4 years old on the early side, with front teeth falling out first.

It might be worth having her checked to make sure nothing funky is going on... an x-ray to see what's going on in there would be pretty informative :)

A concerned friend/former-schoolmate of parent/blogger.

Anonymous said...

I just hate it when a message won't post, so you cancel it and re-post, only to find out the first one had posted while you were re-posting...