Friday, November 10, 2006

Things Grandpa John Can't Eat...

We have a lot of discussions like this around our house...

Eryn: "I like macaroni and cheese."

Me: "Do you want ketchup on it?"

Eryn: "No. Ick. That's gross."

Me: "Grandpa John eats ketchup on his macaroni and cheese."

Eryn: "Why does he?"

Me: "Well, I guess he doesn't anymore. He can't eat macaroni and cheese. He can't eat ketchup either. Nevermind."

Pooteewheet: "Poor John."


Anonymous said...

Your comments make me feel very bad for the time we made spaghetti sauce without any readily available Italian seasonings. I really didn't think your father would ever taste said sauce, yet alone at about 12:00am - I can still hear him exclaiming his displeasure from the kitchen as he tucked into a bowl of pasta that was a bit more invigorating than anyone's normal Italian fare...

John, I must say, you're a good man for putting up with our extreme (yet delciously tasty) culinary pursuits.

Anonymous said...

Your post makes me feel very bad for the time we made spaghetti sauce without any readily available Italian seasonings. I really didn't think your father would ever taste said sauce, yet alone in the middle of the night - I can still hear him exclaiming his displeasure from the kitchen as he tucked into a bowl of pasta that was a bit more invigorating than anyone's normal Italian fare...maybe a bit too much Cayenne eh?

John, I must say, you're a good man for putting up with our extreme (yet deliciously tasty) culinary pursuits during our long-ago high school days...

LissyJo said...

Considering the soliloquy of events my father's gastrointestinal system has taken in the past few years, it's a good thing you've outgrown your teenage trickery. Cayenne pepper is like the touch of death these days. He thinks bananas are too spicy.

Anonymous said...

Ok! Ok! Teeth gone, walking with a cane, what is that you said? speak up! What stop sign, I did not see it. Would you mind picking up the pencel it is realy heavy. How come my beer tastes like milk? Grandpa John misses his mac and cheeze with ketchup. Some things are better to forget like Kyle's comments. But then who dunked their fries in choc pudding? He tried to teach his little sister to also do this but she was smart enought to know choc is not ketchup. Even though he tought his younger brother to eat fries and choc together.

Anonymous said...

There was no trickery or malice involved in said spaghetti sauce. It was simply a case of your brother and I trying to improvise with what was on hand at the time. The major error involved was leaving it an unmarked bowl in the fridge after dinner...