Sunday, July 23, 2006

Chuck Norris Has to Pee

Kyle will remember Chuck Norris. Not the man...the action figure. I was digging around at the cabin for a few of my things, mostly photos, and came across one of my favorite mugs and a few action figures from my high school years. While the picture may capture a little of Chuck's glory, I recommend the YouTube video as a better example of the wonder that is his "squeeze my legs together like I have to pee really bad for a karate chop" action.


Anonymous said...

Where's the picture you told Dan about? Am I in it? Do I have the scary perm? Fire up that new scanner and let's see it!

She says said...

You played with action figures in high school?

Ahhh, I see....

Anonymous said...

I remember the Chuck Norris character - awesome chopping action and all! And if I'm not I'm not mistaken the dude in red had some sort of wind up stabbing action. There should have also been a sumo wrestler dude with smashing cymbal action as well. Or perhaps he's been lost to time? Just like KB Toys, the place from which these toys no doubt originated.

I'm not clever enough in the ways of the blog to post this as a clickable link, but there is actually a YouTube video with an intro for the cartoon series upon which the action figures were based:

She says - you didn't play with action figures in high school? You missed out. We even had at least one Fischer Price figure that played mascot/impromptu photo model roles during those years.

Scooter said...

Sorry CQ - local BB only had multi-purpose scanners, and I really don't need a fax/printer/scanner - that's a total waste of $. We're doing some online research.

Pretty big talk She Says, from someone with a pirate for an avatar on their profile.

She says said...


So true, so true.