The terms seemed tenuous at best.

So, at least if they're not willing to give me terms, they're willing to keep my access somewhat private...right?

But...being of a generation and general computer-related persuasion that I just don't care too much about terms and privacy statements, I thought I'd just sign up anyway. After all, there's the weight of millions of users behind the site - the terms can't be so rough as to cost me my child or a tithe off my salary. That's when I learned that what they were really implying was that I'm not cool enough for MySpace. Several attempts to enter my information resulted in just being pushed back to the registration screen with some of my data cleared, the "share your birthday" checkbox rechecked, and an error message that told me absolutely nothing about how to resolve my issue. I think it was all a big joke. They saw the "human interactive proofs" shortcut (top picture) in my links bar and decided they'd make me reenter one half a dozen times. Sounds like a twenty year old's sense of humor.

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