I know I had an art post recently, but this begged posting. I was looking for a picture of Celine Dion to "photoshop" into a brain MRI picture today to demonstrate to a coworker that his previous MRI for back pain had clearly shown that the problem was pressure on his right frontal lobe by Celine Dion. Strange...but funny if you were there. In the process of Googling a Celine Dion picture to use, however, this was the result. Wow is that just bad...it looks like what you get when you take a picture and apply the "portratize" setting to it in an image-editing program.
What's worse is that the group associated with this picture, which I assume is for sale, or was auctioned, is a PTSD group, Support From Within. Pooteewheet specializes in PTSD (among other things) at her new practice, and I have a hard time believing that it's acceptable to induce PTSD using a painting just so you can treat it - seems very unethical.
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