I'm sorry...that doesn't mean anything. Westlaw is a great company, but if you base your values and your standards on what they put on their systems, then that includes Playboy without the pictures, gardening magazines, mulching magazines, and anything that might have impact on anything, legally, journalistically, and um...researchistically, at any time in any possible instance, anywhere, for any reason. They are not solely a legal company, despite the fact that they once were. They are an information company. They collect information. Good. Bad. Indifferent. Often used. Seldom used. Never used. They are about information management, so if you have information, it is going to end up either in Westlaw or another Thomson system because they are incredibly good at collecting information and that is their business. They don't care about the fact that presidential signing statements are presidential signing statements other than to tag them with the appropriate xml-encoded category, supply several dozen linking/href tags to associated documents, and push them into a database that makes them accessible, for a fee, to lawyers, journalists, students and other paying customers, who care that they are presidential signing statements. It's almost self-referencing...Westlaw cares about all information, therefore they must care about my information, because it's information, so therefore it must be important information, because it's on Westlaw.

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