
Thursday, December 01, 2005

Don't We Have an Airport Terminal Dedicated to this Guy?

Dave Neiwert has a history lesson about one of Minnesota's first sons:

The meeting was held in the home of Edwin Sibley Webster, a wealthy Wall Street broker with Kidder, Peabody, and it featured a number of key American First members, including Lindbergh. The group reformed under a new name, Americans for Peace. One of the attendees, Horace Haase, left no doubt about the future activities of the gathering:

"It is obviously necessary for the leaders of the America First like Wood and Webster to keep quiet. But the organization should not be destroyed. I have never been in the limelight and have nothing to lose. I can remain active in a quiet way. I should like to offer to keep the files. We must get ready for the next attack which must be made upon this communistic administration."

The America Firsters' fantasies of serving as a future Vichy government in America gradually crumbled, of course, as the tide of the war turned. Americans for Peace quietly disbanded in late 1944.

As well as a nice bit that relates back to yesterday's post about the Christmas/Holiday tree:

"And it has become pretty general. Last Christmas most people had a hard time finding Christmas cards that indicated in any way that Christmas commemorated Someone's Birth. Easter they will have the same difficulty in finding Easter cards that contain any suggestion that Easter commemorates a certain event. There will be rabbits and eggs and spring flowers, but a hint of the Resurrection will be hard to find. Now, all this begins with the designers of the cards."

Where was this text located? Why, in The International Jew [by Henry Ford], of course.


  1. Anonymous10:59 PM

    You are related to Horace Haase! Your Grandmothers, Stepdad's side of the family.

  2. Anonymous12:23 PM

    My goodness, you certainly are related to interesting people!

    Just because someone has some type of public work dedicated to them doesn't mean they were necessarily a good person. And it seems like a very small portion of the population dictates who gets or does not get these honors. Wasn't a statue for our state capital for a Minnesotan who served as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court denied because, horror of horrors, he had voted favorably in an abortion case? Who cares if he did anything else great - he did that one thing "they" didn't like, so screw him.
