Here's Grandma, Grandpa and Eryn all getting ready to the ride the Helix. Eryn doesn't know it, but she was likely conceived only a brick wall away from the bits and pieces that went into the (re)construction of this scooter. That's why she has such an affinity to it.

Zoom! At this point Eryn had determined how to turn the scooter off. There's some good video of her flipping it off and grandpa trying to steer it clear of the rocks and cactus without power.

It's a Snoopy Christmas special. That ornament has been in my family since I was probably barely older than Eryn. And that is a Child's ABC's of Terrorism in the background - we find it festive.

Our tree is up, our tree is up! The red branches are in the red slots, the yellow branches are in the yellow spots, and Eryn likes the blue branches because they're very light and easy to carry. The highlights include our multicultural angel (I'd tell you she's African American - but I can't guarantee she's American other than that she lives on our tree), and our obsession with Marvin the Martian and transportation-related ornaments. Honestly, our tree would look right at home in the DOT and we don't even put up all the transportation ornaments. There are piles of skis, trucks, cars, bicycles, hobby horses, bumper cars, space ships, etc, all the way around the back.

How did you manage to have a child that looks *nothing* like her mother?
Shhh...Pooteewheet doesn't know I had her with someone else and she just gave birth to her.
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