
Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Video Email

Two videos came into my email today from friends and family, and I hadn't seen either one before, both were amusing. So if you haven't seen them, here's some quick links:

Mean Mr. Mustard sent me one with a shark and an octopus in an aquarium (pbs Real stream, downloadable wmv) ...rather freaky.

My father sent me the wmv of this one (Snopes page - fetch here or here) -the Christmas lights on a house synchronized to the Trans-Siberian Orchestra's "Wizards in Winter".


  1. No way man, that was my dad. JOhn can't send video!

  2. My bad, I meant -in-law.

  3. Now that dad has seen it, it's probably what he'll do for his house before he comes to MN...the retired engineer that he is.

    btw: *creepy* pbs video. Just creepy.
