
Tuesday, November 22, 2005

PZ Myers in the City Pages

City Pages' lead article this issue is: "biologist and blogger PZ Myers speaks out on the war on science, intelligent design, and the sexual habits of giant squid." Myers site, Pharyngula, bills itself as "Miscellany from a liberal atheist biology professor in rural Minnesota". If you're fortunate, you can bump into him at Drinking Liberally at the 331 Club on Wednesdays (I hear he has car problems on the way home from the cities, not on the way to the cities). I recommend his site just for the arguments with Dilbert creator Scott Adams, if not for the diatribes against Intelligent Design.


  1. Anonymous11:41 PM

    Hey, are you going to be out at the 331? A bunch of MNspeakers will hopefully be out too.

  2. I'm going to try tonight - I'm in charge of my little girl until about 6:45 - so I'll probably try to show up about midway through.

  3. Bring your daughter and I'll let her put her feet on the table....

    no wait, that's bad, right?

  4. Anonymous9:44 AM

    Sorry I missed you at the 331. I don't usually attend these kind of blogger gatherings (this was my first), I was in the neighborhood and stopped in about 6:30. Had a chance to meet the Power Couple behind Power Liberal and PZ Myers.

    Several people commented that they hoped Fishsticks (Craig Westover) would make a surprise appearence so a bar brawl could break out No chance of that -- Craig and I have our online differences on one well-worn issue, but at end of the day we can share a pint with no hard feelings. Which is as it should be...Craig (and Flash) deserve credit for going to DL events as well as MOB functions.

