For example, you know that this little gem is probably back in their arsenel somewhere - using drugs to interrogate prisoners, possibly addicting them and using the addiction as leverage. All you have to do is hop back to all the information about MK-ULTRA and the over 100 associated programs. If you're not familiar with the MK-ULTRA, it's the program whereby the government used LSD as a truth serum and allegedly murdered a scientist, a scientist who had been doing similar,lethal, experiments for them on Soviet cold war agents and post war Nazis. Loverly. It's now primarily the domain/subject du jour of conspiracy nuts, but there's plenty of truth behind the craziness. Here's the links if you feel like a bit of light reading and, while you're reading, don't forget, one of the primary players in these operations was a professional magician (he wrote "Mullholand's Book of Magic") who tried to poison Castro - roll that one around for a while:
- MKULTRA - Manufacturing Killers Utilizing Lethal Tradecraft Requiring Assassinations - the CIA and mind control.
- MKSEARCH - truth serum (LSD and the like)
- MKDELTA - biochemical mind control, specifically, abroad.
- Project Chatter - scopolamine and mescaline as truth serums.
- Project Bluebird - psychirists inducing amensia and hypnosis.
- Project Artichoke - after Bluebird. "Can we get control of an individual to the point where he will do our bidding against his will and even against fundamental laws of nature, such as self preservation?"
- MKNAOMI - biological and chemical warfare.
- Frank Olson Project - dedicated to Frank Olson, the scientist who was slipped LSD and "jumped" out a window, somehow gaining a gun-induced hole in his head on the way down.
As a bonus, if you're interested in the Bush link, Democratic Underground has a link to Allen Dulles on their MKULTRA page, Allen was George Bush, Sr.'s mentor at the CIA and moved the base to it's current location, named after GB Sr.
Holy crap. Thos links were freakin' scary. Glad you liked the book (you *did* like it, didn't you?). I'd be interested in reading it myself. What a surprise that eagan library didn't have it.
ReplyDeleteWell you can certainly borrow it back to read it - I think Pooteewheet might want to read it, but after she's done I'll ship it back your direction.