
Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Possession is 9/10th of the...

The Revealer has an enjoyable post at their site about the National Guard in New Orleans worrying about ghosts, satanic possession, divine intervention and uncanny Bible placement. It is obviously important to God to flood entire cities so that he can leave Bibles lying around to appropriate passages for believers to find. It would seem to me that a much smaller wind in each of their windows might achieve the same effect, rather than drowning a city full of people. Personally, I think it would be interesting to drop off a few thousand randomly-opened copies from the banned books list after the next national disaster to see what they make of it (I assume that would just be a sign that it was a Satanic-created disaster instead of a divinely-created disaster, although we all really know Katrina was the work of the Japanese Mafia). The opening quote (by a guardsman) certainly grabs your attention...
"This is indeed a dark city and we’re bringing the light. You know wherever soldiers go, there goes the word of God."

Elizabeth Rich notes that securing New Orleans for God certainly isn't in their defined mission, regardless of what the Administration has been telling them.

As an aside, I think the picture of Rev. Zombie's Voodoo Shop that accompanies the article is darn close to where Pooteewheet took this picture of a cannibalistic, voodoo-practicing, possessed pug. Of course he's resting in this picture - you always have to have a siesta after a meal of Christians and beignets.


  1. That dog looks possessed! I think we should perform an exorcism.

    Sorry I missed you at the bike classic. I was protecting the bikes when Steve bumped into you. Was still pretty funny that at an event that size you guys ran into each other. Thanks for the blog comment, I’ll be sure to visit yours more often. I see we have the same tastes for nothingness. Nietzsche rules!

  2. When Mr.MO and I were in NOLA in April with the teenage offspring, she bought every single souvenier at Rev. Zombie's VooDoo Shop.

  3. Do you still feel ok? No prickly sensations in your extremities? Or did you steal the dolls and put the faces of local politicians on them? And which face did you use? The old Coleman face, or the new Coleman face?
