I quote from the article Pooteewheet found:
Some dogs can't resist a tasty morsel of feces. These dogs will eat their own excrement or that of another dog. Some prefer horse feces, others cat feces. Frozen feces are popular in the winter time...
Dogs are historically scavengers, and this is believed to be a scavenger behavior...
Owners find this habit in their pet disgusting -- particularly when the consumed feces are thrown up all over the new carpet.
At least with your dog you can be relatively assured it's not a sexual fetish. But if you linked here as a newbie to the scat scene, might I recommend a brief journey over to the Coprophilia entry at Wikipedia where you'll find such useful information as:
Other slang terms describing this practice include Meatloafing, FedEx'ng from Browntown and Karling. There are different levels of the Karling. They include:
- Cold Karling - involving a process similar to the Cleveland Steamer.
- Warm Karling - involving a process similar to the Glass-Bottom Boat.
- Hot Karling - The same thing as a Warm Karl except without the plastic wrap.
eewwwhh. dogs are so gross.