Saturday, October 16, 2004

Soldier Stories

Norwegianity has a very interesting post linking to an article about the myth of anti-war protesters spitting on troops. I thought it was fascinating reading, particularly as I know of a few families, including mine, that would be definitively labeled anti-war, but are still sending books and food to soldiers in Iraq (and pens to children in Afghanistan). I don't want U.S. troops over there, but if they are, I'm not going to deprive them of books, baby wipes, beef jerky and pop tarts.

Which leads to good news - Pooteewheet and I got a letter from the reservist we were sending these things to that he came home and is safe and sound, enjoying the company of his family and working with Toys for Tots, among other things. I immediately celebrated by eating the beef jerky left over in his most current box on the counter and cutting up the three-dozen odd small boxes I've collected from work for the recycling truck. We're going to take a few months off of the program in order to donate that money to Toys for Tots (believe it or not, it's fairly expensive to keep a soldier in extras, about $12 a week in postage and $12 a week in various things to enjoy - they don't really cut you a break on express postage to a soldier, and anything slower just never gets there). We're excited he's home with his children and doing something that doesn't involve a gun.

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